With You It's Differant

I can honestly say our story isn't like any others. It's not the perfect "love at first sight" story but it is however perfect in every way to me. I will never forget the day our eyes first met. It was June 20th 2009 and there I was, in my 17 yr old glory; thinking I was hot shit, could make anyone "fall" for me and never fall for anyone self was just about to meet her match. I was obviously full of myself, but that's okay. I think its best to think highly of yourself and get knocked down then to think so little of everything you are and get walked on.

Anyways, there he was, this beautiful green eyed boy from a small town. I immediately acted like I could careless that he was even there. He walked over to me as i was holding my breath, he spoke to me. It was nothing special but my heart fell into my ass. I couldn't believe this random small town boy did that to me; so naturally I had to get back at him. Hours went by, conversations got intense, and out of no where he looked at me and said "lets go get married", I never laughed so hard in my life, I told him I was in love with someone else [I wasn't really]. He looked at me and replied " I'm going to marry you". I thought to myself, this guy is crazy, wanting to marry a complete stranger, who does that.

Two years later we were married, living in a small town, had nothing figured out but we were in love. The kind of love you hear about in those corny movies. The kind that had everything going against them but made it out together against all odds. I loved waking up to his face, I loved our random adventures, I loved everything we did together.. even the fights. The fights to me meant that we both had an opinion about something we gave a shit about and that was important to me. I couldn't be with a man that let me win, never challenged me, was passionate about nothing. He was everything I imagined my husband to be and more.

A year later we found out we were expecting our little bear. I wanted nothing more then to have a baby, it was something I knew I was made for. He on the other hand was terrified, but that was okay, I was prepared enough for the both of us. As the months dragged on I felt like I needed him to breathe. It hurt, literally hurt when he wasn't near, which scared me that another human had such "power" over me. Don't worry my obsession over him went down to a normal level after the baby was born.

We have now been married for 3 yrs and I can honestly say I love him more than the day we met. He's my life partner, truest of all loves, my bestie. I know everyone says that but its true. I'm so glad I found him when I did. He's the love I always needed, wanted, searched for; and at 17 I found him.



  1. I love you too boo. i am so glad that my small town boyish charmed tricked you into marrying me;) You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much!!
