Toddler Tornado

My little bear is now 18 months old [yes I'm that mother that counts my little ones age by months] and he's a handful. I didn't expect motherhood to be easy peasy but I didn't think it would be this insane. I'm grateful I've made it this far without being institutionalized. What i mean by that is I'm that mom who baby talks everyone {not on purpose}; sings kid music all the time, out load, no matter where I'm at or who's around. Its amazing how I still remember every word to the 90's barney songs and don't get me started on the Frozen tunes. 

My house is a mess, all the time and for those who truly know me, know that I'm so OCD about cleaning. I've also come to realize nothing and I mean nothing {materialistic items} is going to survive these toddler years. I have beautiful scribble art on my walls, kitchen floor, and any piece of furniture with a flat surface. I've cleaned it all up a few times but once he notices that they are gone, he's right back to coloring. My carpet has questionable stains and food stuck to it. Any tips to remove them are completely welcome. I have tried pretty much everything. His room gets hit with a what I assume is a tornado everyday. I'm just scrapping the surface off the madness that is my life.
We recently started potty training. We are trying the naked method. For those who don't know the naked method is pretty self explanatory. I let him run around naked and place him on the potty every 20-30 mins for 5 mins so he can go. So far its not working. Yesterday during breakfast he shit on the table that we were eating at. Literally SHIT on the table, where our food was, in between our bowls of brown sugar cream of wheat. I was shocked for a moment, it happened so fast. He had finished before I grabbed him and rushed him to the potty.  If you told me 3 years ago that I would be cleaning up human poop off the table first thing in the morning, [ because that really does matter] I'd probably tell you "my child would never do something like that to me." Little did I know what my future would behold. 

My toddler knows the difference between yes and no, mom and dad etc... , he's a smart kid; but when I tell him "I love you" he replies with "I lub daadddyyy" {sneaky smile} and then runs. Or "where daddy go", "my dad". Like this morning I go into his room, tell him good morning; his immediate reply is "my dad?" It kind of hurt my feelings at first; like I wasn't good enough or something. I know he's still learning and he see's me 90% of the day so I'm sure he just misses his dad {awww}.
Having a toddler is pretty hectic; my life has been turned upside down, but I love every waking moment of it.


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