Childhood Beliefs

As a child we all believed in magic, good always defeats evil , that mythical being's are real, and the heroic characters from our favorite stories do exist. A child's vulnerability, imagination and the endless need to discover the worlds greatest mysteries is undoubtedly the most important part of a child's development. Children are sponges that just soak up everything they see, hear and feel. I'm sure like most children I believed in the basic everyday tales; but as I got older I began to realize that my imaginative spirit was not like the rest. I believed everything I was told had to be real. I didn't know people lied for laughs. I also made up my own weird beliefs. So here are a some of the ridiculous things I truly believed in.

I believed :

-In Santa like most. I wrote my Christmas list{or drew pictures}, my mom "sent it" to the north pole.
Left out the non burnt cookies and milk. I even remember my mom waking my brother and I up super early in the morning because Santa was just arriving at our house. She even busted out her ginormous video tape recorder for evidence. We hid so he wouldn't see us and watched SANTA do his thing. Turned out to be my dad.... Thanks guys. I later started building traps to capture that mysterious man.
-The tooth fairy would leave you more money based on how clean the tooth was. So I would scrub and scrub my newly lost tooth till it sparkled. I lost a tooth once while playing outside. I couldn't find it, so my mom and I wrote a letter to let her know where she could find it.
-When it rained the angels were crying because of all the bad things people did. I also thought that if I went out in the rain without a jacket I would get sick and die because the rain water had mutant germs.
-Miniature people lived inside the TV and just preformed everything. I would even try to change the channels super fast to see if they would mess up. [ they were always on point ]
-If I stepped on the cracks in the sidewalk I could seriously harm my mother. I tested that theory once... nothing happened.
-That one day when I was grown up enough my super secret magic would be powerful enough to go to Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches.
- There were sharks in the deep end of every pool.
-All homeless people were wizards. [ mostly because my aunt told me they were] When we still lived in California we went to Venice Beach [ before Venice Pavilion or "Graffiti pit" was demolished ] , there was a homeless man who was laying down [probably sleeping] underneath the concrete shelter of the wall. I walked up to him by myself and asked him if he was Merlin and if I could have just ONE wish. He sat up violently, screaming nonsense at me. My aunt ran to my rescue; lectured me for days...
-If you swallowed the black watermelon seeds they would grow in your belly.
-When you ate hot sauce you would grow hair on your chest. The hotter the hairier.
-Cats were all girls and dogs were only boys.

-When I would get caught doing something bad I thought since ''God is always watching" he called my mom and snitched me out.

 -My toys would come to life when I went to sleep.

-Flies were actually robots with cameras that the government made to check up on people.

 -You had to be born into a presidential family to ever become president.

 -That the church I went to was really once gods house just remodeled.
So there you go; some peculiar things I genuinely believed to be real when I was a kid. There was so much more things that belong on this list but I left them out so you guys wouldn't think I was immensely unusual. I know I couldn't have been the only weirdo who was extremely gullible, with a creative imagination and an unrealistic perspective of the world. What are some strange things you believed in as a child??

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