His Little Hands Stole My Heart And His Feet Ran Away With It

 I remember the day I went into labor like it was yesterday [June 25, 2013]. I remember waking up that day having this butterflies/heart raising; like the moment you first fall in love feeling. I knew something was going to happen. I started my day with eating a raisin bagel with strawberry cream cheese... okay I ate 3. I later began to "finish" my nesting, I nested so hard that when I went to go nap i was immediately woken up with my water breaking. Everyone I ever talked to about it, always  told me it was pressure and gushing but to be honest I thought I just peed myself, again. I got up and cleaned myself up. Went down to my kitchen to eat some more. I "peed" all over the kitchen floor. Now to go back the time i woke up and then went to the kitchen was maybe 5 mins. So I was a little surprised I did it again so soon. It then hit me that my water had broke; at 38 weeks and 3 days my water had broken. I was in shock for a moment. I couldn't believe that what I've been planning for mentally, physically, emotionally; was about to be tested in ways I never could have imagined. I waddle my pokey self up my stairs and into my bathroom to clean my self up once again. Mid way through I yelled at my husband in the wimpiest cry/yell i have ever let out saying "I think my water broke" In the 4 years we've been together, I have never seen him jump up so fast and run to me. He questioned if my water had truly broken. I've cried wolf a few other times. Since this was my first baby I had no idea what anything that was happening to me, was normal or not. He "confirmed" my suspicions and gathered mine and baby's hospital bag. Because we are slackers the car seat was not set up yet, he just through everything in the back seat and helped me in the car. He was so terrified, I even saw him tear up. So since he was a hot mess i needed to be the calm one

We got to the hospital, checked in; they confirmed that my water had broken and i was 1.5 cm dilated and my contractions started to make an appearance. They weren't to bad; I like to think I'm pretty good with pain. By this time it was 4:30 ish pm and My lovely husband nervously called everyone.  I then started getting calls from family and friends. I don't know why they thought I would want to chat about the events to come when I was contracting every 5 mins. Time seemed to fly by, my contractions were close but I wasn't dilating fast enough for their liking -.- so we agreed, against all my better judgment to let them pump me with Pitocin. It made me contract even more and even harder than before. In no time it was 4 am and I was 7 cm dilated. I couldn't sleep, I was so excited. On June 26, 2013 at 1pm it was time to push. Every book, blog, classes and youtube videos have lead to this. I pushed for what seemed like hours and my poor little crowning babies head was stuck. Of all things to happen, his head got stuck. I had no idea why this had to happen. My doctor was getting nervous which was making me nervous. He suggested we have a Cesarean done because babies head was seriously stuck. Again against my better judgment I agreed.

At 2:39 pm on June 26th my sweet slimy little bear was born. A whopping 7.8 oz and 20.5 in. long, he was perfect. I, to this day have never fell in love so hard and so fast for someone I just met. [which is a good thing since I'm married].  I adore every little thing about him; as any mother would. He is now 18 months old and is still my dream come true.


  1. LOVE this!
    Our birth stories are very similar. Damn our babies heads getting stuck hahaha! Beautiful!

  2. Just means their super smart :) You had a Cesarean too?

  3. This is amazing! It's crazy how a tiny human can change your hopes, dreams, view on life, & show you how to love in a completely different way! Keep posting!

    1. it truly is. im going to try. still figuring out how this whole blogging works. you should write your story too.

  4. Yeah, I pushed for almost 4 hours and her head was turned sideways and she just wasn't coming. She's stubborn, I have nooo idea where she gets it from haha

    1. oh no. that's so scary. hahaha. me either :P
